

"A Bargaining Theory of Criminal War," with Sarah Z. Daly. International Studies Quarterly 68 no. 3 (September 2024): sqae083 

"Vaccine Diplomacy: How COVID-19 vaccine distribution increases trust in foreign governments in Latin America," with Sarah Z. Daly, Julian Gerez, John Marshall, and Oscar Pocasangre. World Politics 75 no. 4 (October 2023): 826-875

"Teaching the hidden curriculum in Political Science," with Colleen Wood. PS: Political Science & Politics 55 no. 2 (2022): 324-328. 

"Complicit states and the governing strategy of privilege violence: When weakness is not the problem," with Rachel Kleinfeld. Annual Review of Political Science 21 (2018): 215-238. 

In Other Fields:

"Messaging interventions that increase COVID-19 vaccine willingness in Latin America," with Pablo Argote Tironi, Sarah Z. Daly, Julian Gerez, John Marshall and Oscar Pocasangre. pLoS ONE 16 no. 10 (2021): e0259059. 

"The Shot, the message, and the messenger: COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Latin America," with Pablo Argote Tironi, Sarah Z. Daly, Julian Gerez, John Marshall and Oscar Pocasangre. npj Vaccines 6 (2021): Article no. 118. 

Working Papers:

"Collective Governance and Criminal Violence: Evidence from Rural Mexico." Under Review. 

"Patriarchal Norms and Violence Against Women in Conflict Processes."

"From advocacy to coproduction: Environmental NGOs and land conservation in Latin America," with Ella Bayi and María Victoria Murillo.  

"Military Collusion in Autocracy."  

"Uprooting the Gang: Public housing demolition and gang violence," with Sarah Z. Daly.  

"The Unintended Consequences of Counternarcotics: Evidence from Peru and Colombia," with Julian Gerez.  

Other Writing: 

"Colombia's lawmakers are debating how to regulate cocaine. Here's what we know about decriminalization." Monkey Cage October 19, 2020.